Interview Assistant helps you get
your dream job
using AI

Upload your CV and Job Description, and Press
Start Interview and you will have a real time Interview copilot!!

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used by 3000+ jobseekers to find
their dream job through
Interview Assistant

Our Products

Web Interview Assistant

Prepare for your interviews online with our web-based tool.

  • Intuitive UI
  • AI-powered.
  • No need for setup
  • Can be used from mobile or table
  • Parallel translation in multiple languages
  • No need for api keys - extra credits etc
  • Listens to multiple languages (English, French, Spanish, Italian, German, and Mandarin)

Desktop Interview Assistant

Download our powerful desktop application.

  • Windows and MacOS Version
  • AI powerful - Speed
  • Support for multiple languages
  • Very big opportunity
  • Yours forever. Includes all updates.
  • Use your own API Keys - Privacy - Security
  • Can Install multiple times in different machines with only one account
Coming Soon

Mock Interview Assistant

Practice with our AI-powered mock interview simulator.

  • Web application
  • AI powerful - Speed
  • Interview Summary
  • Feedback on candidate
  • Live Coding
  • Real time conversation on multiple subjects and levels of knowledge
Interview Assistant
Web Interview Assistant - AI that helps with Interviews | Product Hunt
ai tools
Companies using Interview Assistant